Why we give

Why am I being asked to give when I already pay tuition?

Great question. As you know, RMA is a nonprofit school. This means we rely on donations, grants, and the giving and volunteering of our generous families and community. By fundraising to meet strategic goals we can make sure that your children are being given the best education by the best educators. Every cent given goes towards benefiting the RMA community including providing numerous scholarship opportunities for children and sponsorship opportunities for our teachers.

Is there a way I can maximize my gift?

Yes! Many workplaces offer matching gifts for their employees. This is an amazing way to double your gift and offer your employer a nice tax credit.

You can also double your own or matching donation by participating in the Colorado State Childcare Tax Credit.

What is the Colorado State Childcare Tax Credit?

This is a very important tax credit for you to know about. This is a credit that provides 50% of your monetary donations back to you when you file your Colorado State taxes and turn in the Child Care Tax Credit Form, which will be provided to you from RMA when you donate.

An example of how it works is: If you were able to gift $500 to RMA then, the state of Colorado will give you $250 back on your taxes. Imagine if you were to give $500 dollars and your job does a match. You’d still get the $250 back and the school would get $1000 all because of your $250 donation!!!

When Can I Give?

We will accept donations all year round, and we hope to have an auction/gala this year. You can donate before or after the auction and during the auction/gala there will be Silent, Live, and Direct Giving available.

I have more questions!

Please feel free to email familycommittee@rmaschool.org
