What are the Weekly Themes for RMA’s Summer Camp?
June 2 – June 6: Space Invaders
June 9 – June 13: Mad Scientists
June 16 – June 18 & June 20 (no camp June 19): Under the Sea
June 23 – June 27: Safari
June 30 – July 3: America the Beautiful
July 7 – July 11: Our Beautiful World
July 14 – July 18: Under the Big Top
July 21 – July 25: Fantastic Folklore
I see there are two camps happening at RMA, RMA’s Summer Camp and Galileo. How will these work?
RMA is hosting its traditional summer camp with children 2.5 through about 6 years old for 8 weeks. (Older children will be considered if they are currently enrolled at RMA and/or Galileo Camp is not operating in specific weeks.)
We are so excited for our partnership with Galileo! They will be hosting a STEAM-based camp this summer inside of RMA for children entering kindergarten through 8th grade.
RMA’s camp will be held, as it always is, in the multipurpose room when not outside.
Galileo will be utilizing the 1 elementary and 3 primary classrooms, when not outside.
The children from the camps will not mingle nor use the same outdoor spaces simultaneously.
What do I need to bring for my child for camp?
We will send out emails before summer camp starting as well as at the start of each week. In general, each day, your child will need:
- Water bottle
- Snack
- Lunch
- Extra clothes/clothes they can get wet in
- Towel
- Sunscreen
There may be other more specific items depending on the activities for that week.
What is the daily camp schedule?
The general schedule will be updated by early April and emailed to all who have signed up for the camps. Each week may have a slightly different schedule based on the themes and activities. These schedules, along with the needs for the week, will be emailed out before the start of each week.
Can I sign up for RMA’s Summer Camp on the weeks Galileo is not operating?
- If your child is 6 years old or younger, ABSOLUTELY you can sign them up for the weeks that Galileo is not operating.
- If your child is 7 to 10 years old AND currently enrolled at RMA, ABSOLUTELY you can sign them up for the weeks that Galileo is not operating.
- If your child is 7 to 10 years old and NOT currently enrolled at RMA, let’s talk! We want to make sure children are having fun with a peer group. If we have enough children around your child’s age interested in the RMA camp, we will be happy to open the camp up for your older children.
My child is in or entering Kindergarten, should they come to the RMA camp or Galileo camp?
We left that vague on purpose! We know there are many factors in choosing what is best for your child in the summer. If you want your child around older children, they might have a great time in the Galileo camp. If your child is becoming, or thriving as a leader, they might enjoy being in the RMA camp as a camp leader.
If you are still not sure, give us a call! We would be happy to help you with your unique circumstances.
What if my child isn’t yet toilet-independent?
Please let us know! Contact us and let’s talk. We’d be happy to see if our camp will be a good fit for your child.
What if I want my other children, extended family, and/or friends to join the camps at RMA?
PLEASE invite them to sign up here for RMA’s camp and here for Galileo’s camp. We love having friends and families new to RMA join us!
It benefits EVERYONE when we have full camps!
The week/program I want is full, how will the waitlist work?
There are 2 ways we will use the waitlist for each week that is full.
- If we are to receive enough interest, typically an additional 8-10 children, we will do our best to hire additional staff and open the enrollment to 40 children for that week or add After-Camp Care 2, that will be until 5 pm.
- If we have any families choose to drop a week, we will turn to our waitlist and offer the next child that now open spot.
My child currently attends RMA, will their teacher be their camp teacher?
Maybe, on some weeks. RMA’s teaching staff typically elect to work only a few weeks or not at all in the summer. This means, your child may have their teacher, or they may have other RMA teachers or new camp counselors working with them.
As always, RMA does a thorough interview and onboarding process for all staff.
Is the RMA Summer Camp a Montessori Program?
No. RMA’s summer is a carefree theme-based camp. Our Montessori-trained teachers may support some of the weeks in the camps, but they will not be running the camps. They get to and want to have fun with your child this summer making crafts, playing games, and doing things differently from the school year.
How much screen time will my child have at RMA’s Summer Camp?
We try to limit the G-rated screen time to one movie per week. However, if there is an influx of unexpected weather where children cannot go outside for many days in a row, children may be offered a second movie that week. We do plan for many extra activities to fill the weeks, but if the weather is as bad, we may run out of indoor activities faster than anticipated.
2025 Summer Camp Contract/Early Bird Special Sign-Up Link – Good through January 31, 2025 – Ended!
RMA is running an Early Bird Special: Starting December 9, 2025, through January 31, 2025 – If you sign up for 4 or more weeks of full-day camp plus before and after camp 1 (8 am to 4 pm daily), you will receive those weeks at last summer’s rates. ($450 per week for full weeks).
- If you make adjustments to your summer camp contract after January 31, 2025, you will be charged the 2025 summer camp rate.
- There are no discounts for other schedules or fewer than 4 weeks at this time.
- After January 31, rates will increase and other schedules may be available.