Mihaela (Ella) B.

Primary Teacher – Yellow Room

Mihaela joined RMA in 2022. Mihaela Borzosh, known to her students as Ms. Ella, holds a degree in Sociology, earned in 2009. Her academic background reflects a profound interest in social behavior and interactions, a passion that naturally extends into her career in education. Mihaela’s introduction to the Montessori method was personal, stemming from her daughter’s enrollment at RMA two years ago. Her daughter has flourished in the Montessori environment, reinforcing Mihaela’s dedication to the principles of this educational philosophy.

Since 2020, Mihaela has worked closely with children aged 1 to 6, immersing herself in the Montessori approach. In 2022, she officially joined RMA, completed her Montessori training, and became a certified associate teacher. This role has allowed her to put Montessori principles into practice, shaping her interactions with the children she teaches.

While Mihaela adheres to Montessori principles in both her professional and personal life, she maintains a flexible approach, adapting to what best serves her family’s needs. She finds continual inspiration in the progress and happiness of the children she works with and looks forward to furthering her growth in this rewarding field.
